So I woke up this morning thinking about what I would like to have for breakfast. I am not the kind of girl who likes having sweet things for breakfast, I am more of a savoury breakfast girl. A toasted slice of sourdough bread with garlic mushrooms, mashed avocado, cherry tomatoes with balsamic vinegar... yeah that is what I like.
Today I really wanted houmous on my toast, homemade houmous. I went to check the ingredients, one was missing: tahini. Oh crap! What am I going to have then? How about I make my own tahini, I mean I have loads of sesame seeds waiting to be eaten.
Guys it's the easier thing you can make! Two ingredients, two steps! I mean come on! It's that freaking easy.
Let's see what we need...
1 cup/ 150g sesame seeds
3 tablespoons olive oil
In a pan, toast the sesame seeds until they rich a golden colour. Stir it every now and then to make sure they don't burn.
Set it aside to cool and then add them to a mini food processor or a nutribullet, mainly because it's a small quantity and it won't mix well otherwise. Pour the olive oil and blend together. That's it guys! When you get the smooth paste, you put it in an airtight container and keep it in the fridge for several months!
You will never run out of tahini unless you don't have sesame seeds!
See you soon x
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